Well Shux LJ Cherry POPPING time!!

Sep 13, 2006 08:03

yep you read the above formentioned subject line correctly, I'm a frakking LJ Vergin. So I'm just gonna dive right into it. I signed up for LJ about a week or so ago during my lunch break at work, but then havn't done anything or been back since registering.

Anyway it's Wednesday at 7:26AM It's one of my night's off some I've been doing the Same Shit I do, every day, it's just a Different Day.

Anyway I got really really fuceked up the other night and went shopping o n the internet with my stupid credit cards. I know I spent over %600. It's mostly movies and tv sets, a handful of posters, and 8 x 11's of various actresse's that fuel my hearts aching desire.

SHIT a whole bunch of bands I LOVE are on tour right now, some are sold out but I don't care I've got to go. IT"S BEEN TOOO TOOO LONG SINCE I'VE BEEN TO A CONCERT. So Jimmy Eat Word's on our, Cartel's on tour, Evanescence is on tour, Dashboard Confessional's on tour. and shit a bunch more.

So Just to let anyone out there that might or might not care about the price of tea in china, I have ADD, so I excell at being very random. But hey I have a great memory yay! well it's not as great as it was... I am god damn 28 years old now!!!! Where the hell did my last decade disapear too! JESUS time FLIESS like a stupidhead bat out of hell, way to quick, so my current advice to anyone is that if you see some roses, stop, and go fucking smell them. DAMN IT!!

I am so god damned bored, lonely, horney. and me brain washed and conditioned by organized religion, well I feel god damn guilty about every stupid church rule that I break, like I love, and I MEAN I LOVE!!! LLLOOOOOVVVEEE Pepperonni Pizza. But's against the relgions I was raised/brain washed into the person I am today. IN Case you're wondering, the church I was raised in is The Seventh Day Adventist Rule. Bascially SDA's go to church on Saturday, and can't eat any of the food that Jewish folks don't eat. So I'm not supposed to eat Swine, or cat fish, or Shrimp, or lobster, or a whole bunch of stuff. I do't know I could go on about the religion topic forever but I'm stopping right

So I guess the Simpsons new season aired this past Sunday, I missed it, and didn't TIVO it :( oh well, As long as I didn't miss family guy, then I'm good. Oh and speaking of good cartoons, I can't wait till Comedy Central Airs the 13 new episodes of Futurama that are being produced!!! I cold go on talking about TV and movies forever.

Which brings me to music again, I am currently listening to an EMO Mix CD that I made from the mess of songs I've acquired into my possestion as of late.... Damn I can't wait till my Posters show up, oh yeah all the crap I bought that I can remember off te top of my head. A New Keyboard it's a Deck that's backlit by red LED's, it looks sick. I also got a new mouse and mousepad, that have blue led's. I got some SCUBA diving gear thing called a GLO Toob. It's glows hella crazy. oh random, I downloaded The Backstreet Boyzzzzz singing their own song "Quit Playing Games With My Heart" in Italian, and singing quite well in Italian for that matter. I still bust up laughing everty time I hear it, and it is on my emo mix for shits and giggles damn it. ohhh I like this Dishwalla song I just discoverd called "Angels or Devils" I dig it. god damn I am going to force my self to attempt to audtion for American Idol this year, If I don't I'll stab myself in the eye I will.... I will.... ohhh great song. Jimmy Eat World. I fucking love JEW so much, anyways the song is "may angels lead you in" it's fucking beautiful.

OK I've been rambling on long enough without any sort of direction, and as it is my "first time" I'm gonna leave things right where they are for now. Hell, who knows I might get boored and type/ramble on some more in 20 minutes or so.

GOD I already feel like I'm addicted to LJ I don't want to even stop typing now, I feel like I'm locked in, just listening to the songs on playlist and type on continuously, neverending, and not in any sort of story, just random gobbly gook. oh the song on right now is by Collective Soul, it's called "Needs" I LIKE IT. it's the got whole accoustic guitar thing I love, and a singer that truely knows how to harmonize with the music around him.

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