Blind Faith

Aug 14, 2005 01:53

There is a point at which trust is no longer a factor and all of its previous responsablities are handed over stupidity and ignorance. It's nice to have faith, but when are over doing it?
I think we all know that couple, hell maybe you are part of one, in which either one or both of the members is unfaithfull.
In alot of these cases the signficant other is aware of their spouses sorded past. So what makes them stay in the relationship? Are they positive that their lover has changed, do they not care?
I think it is a fact that people change over time, but does one's nature change?" Is faithfullness part of one's nature?
I beleive that yes, its possible for someone to change froma cheater to someone that is continually faithfull, but such a change takes time. I mean, if your boyfriend cheated on you last week, or even last month, I would be hesitant to beleive that he has gone through significant changes.
But why can't such changes be immidiate? There's no evidence to support that someone adopting a new beleif system should take any longer then a nights contemplation. Yes, alot of changes are gradual, but many are sudden.
Can any human go their whole life without cheatin on a spouse? Is anyone above temptation?
Should you encounter "true love" whilst in a relationship that has been drifting apart for some time, would it really be curropt to stray? Would you be at fault for not cutting such a relationship off in the first place?
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