Being in the service sector dealing with high-end clients, my dental health (or lack thereof) seriously compromised my confidence and ability to do my job (and my tips). It was the single greatest thing holding me back in dealing with people, making me self-conscious about how I presented myself to the public.
A few weeks ago, I placed an order with
Temptooth to fill in the gap between my teeth. The initial results were great, except the new "teeth" were too perfect compared to the rest of them. While experimenting with the stated purpose of the product, I figured out a way to use the same process to make my own set of caps utilizing my carving skills.
This is my first attempt, and while the results are obviously fake, I never intended to fool anyone with them, either. They are only intended to be used a few minutes at a time during the critical face-time with a client, and only until I can afford genuine professional full oral replacement the tune of $6000. Besides, anything is better than what I naturally have at this point. I'll continue to fine-tune them as time goes on, but for now, it's a damn sight better than what I had before.
I must confess that I while was expecting a boost in confidence, the truth is that it's such a quantum leap improvement that it literally throws me (and the roomates) off. I'm curious to see how this will play out in real life.