CHRISTMAS FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dec 24, 2008 22:21



Btw, that's cheese sauce on the fish and chips

I LOVE the golden texture

Whitest flesh I have ever seen in my life. Lives up to its billing! Good stuff!

Close up of Swordfish Collar, but the Swordfish flesh is too dull to be aesthetic enough. I've taken the veggies instead


L to R: Mango juice, Sparkling juice, salad

Close up of salad. Note the different textures blending in together. Stimulates the imagination

Mango and prawn. Prawn is below mango, coated in delicious sauce.

Golden delight

Another delightful blend of colours and textures

This mashed potato used to be bare until the waiter came along and poured generous amounts of sauce and bacon on it. God bless him!

Fruitcake- sweet and light

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