the gayest of gay cowboy movies

Jan 01, 2006 02:37

brokeback mountain

Yeah, I saw it. No, didn't like it too much. It was all hyped up because of the gay stuff so I really tried to watch it as a love movie and not a GAY love movie. At the end of it all it just didn't live up to the hype for me.
good story, great acting, awesome pacing and a great sense of time that passes and how it weighed the two main characters down to the point where Jake gylenehahal thought it was appropriate to grow a moustache. To me, it lacked the true love that everyone else saw but me that I talked to about it.
One thing that bothers me about people, or the majority that I have talked to, make it sound like gay people are only together for sex and making out and the physical part of relationships. "I don't mind gay people, just as long as they keep it away from me!" What the fuck is that? So, gay people are sex fiends that break into straight people's houses and fuck everything? Are gay people somehow incapable of keeping it indoors like straight people do?
My point is, brokeback mountain did a really bad job of backing up my point. Their relationship began with anal sex. Drunken, wake-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night anal sex. For one thing, not all gay guys have anal sex, and hopefully not stone dry like they did. MAN he gave it to him hard...So yeah, everytime they'd meet they'd just do it and make out. I never really felt like they had a true bond. YES it was hard because of the social pressures of the '60s and the fear of being caught from family, but couldn't they go on a walk? Talk about heaven? Play cards? WHAAAAATEVER brokeback mountain. You did not appeal to me.

stars: 3 butt fuckingly lovely stars out of 5
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