Evil Genius!

Jul 20, 2009 15:30

Ok, people say it with me... Evil Genius!

It just has a ring to it doesn't it. It is also a quite fun game.

So much so that I "woke up" from playing this morning at 5am. Mental note... When you have to get up at 7am to go to work... 5 am is a little to late to go to sleep.

But this is a game from 2004. The graphics for the nitpicky are fine but blocky compared to today's games. But it's the game play that is the fun fantastic bits.

It's setting is very similar to No One Lives Forever. That kind of fake sixties evil super-villain vibe. You choose to play one of three evil genius(geniuses? Genii?) And your job is to take over the world... BUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Now, Yes... I did play this game when it first came out in 2004 but man... I don't remember it being this much fun. It could be one of two things... One, as is often the case... In the past, I was an idiot. Two, I probably was trying to "win" the game on hard difficulty. Yes, it makes sense that the game would kick your ass if you are playing on hard.

So now, it is the present and therefore I'm not an idiot. And I'm also not playing on hard. I've also actually listened to the tutorial information as well. "if you have high heat... they will come" is very accurate information. If you keep somewhat low profile, then you are less likely to have your base overrun with ever yahoo to consider himself a spy.

Anyway, I'm still having trouble with traps. They don't trigger very well and if you have tons of minions running through the same area... Well, if an agent sets off a trap you might catch a minion or 10. Add in the fact that you can't really say "ok, have this trap fall on their heads right as they trigger it." They have to trigger it, walk a bit and then be there when the trap falls. Yeah, that logic fails me as well. Since they tend to wander around a bit if they are just looking. So they trip the sensor, activate the trap and 5 of my minions die. Yeah, the traps disappeared quickly.

The objectives are humorous and appropriate for the style. And controlling your minions is nicely handled. I'd have prefer to have a "your minions have arrived" beep but it's not a killer issue.

The best praise I have for the game though is still that I didn't realize it was 5am until I realized it was 5am. That says something for a game.

And it's 10$ on steam or GoG.
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