Gee, thanks Amaranth. That goes for Gem, too.
1. Do you like blue cheese? Yes. With a glass of good port.
2. Have you ever smoked a cigarette? Yes, a few when I was drinking in university.
3. Do you own a gun? Possibly if there’s an apocalypse and I’m one of the few surviving humans on a planet overrun with mutant sabre-toothed tigers. Until then, not a chance.
4. What flavour do you add to your drink at Sonic? Believe it or not, Sonic is not a worldwide phenomenon.
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? I was nervous the one time I went to confirm a pregnancy test, but that wasn’t so much because of the doctor.
6. What do you think of hot dogs? Best if consumed at a cottage barbecue somewhere along with plenty of beer.
7. Favourite Christmas Song? I’ll be Home for Christmas sung by Sinatra, The Huron Carol by whoever can sing it well, and, strangely, Mele Kalikimaka sung by Bing Crosby.
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Tea or Diet Pepsi.
9. Can you do push ups? Two makes it plural, right? Yeah. I can do two. Three on a good day.
10. What's your favourite meal? Toss up between fajitas and shawarmas. Or a holiday turkey with all the fixings.
11. What's your favourite piece of jewellery? An amethyst necklace my husband gave me.
12. What's one trait that you dislike about yourself? My tendency to procrastinate by doing stupid things like this questionnaire.
13. Middle name? I’m a single name girl online.
14. Name 3 thoughts at this moment: I’m on mat leave. My brain left in disgust months ago.
15. Name 3 things you bought yesterday: A swaddling wrap thingie. A baby bottle. A clue.
16. Current worry right now? Will I get this done before my son wakes up?
17. Current hate right now? Sleep deprivation. If you’re wondering why I’m not taking a nap while my son’s asleep, the answer is he won’t be asleep if I take a nap.
18. Favourite place to be? In my bed. Or Hawaii. Or a bed in Hawaii.
19. How did you bring in New Years? As the only sober person in the room.
20. Where would you like to go? See #18. Though Tahiti would also do. Anywhere with palm trees and an ocean, actually.
21. Name three people who will complete this? What am I? Psychic?
22. Whose answer do you want to read the most? Already read it.
24. What colour shirt are you wearing? Red. With an entrancing spit-up pattern.
25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? It was nice the one time it happened.
26. Can you whistle? Yes.
27. Favourite colour(s)? Usually blue. Sometimes green.
28. Would you be a pirate? Someone who robs and murders people at sea? Not on my top ten list, no.
29. What songs do you sing in the shower? Used to be stuff like Smoke, Baby or Paint It Black. Now it’s more often than not The Itsy Bitsy Spider. Which is hilarious considering I’m arachnophobic.
30. Favorite girl's name? Samantha
31. Favorite boy's name? Alexander
32. What's in your pocket right now? A soother and the corner of a receiving blanket.
33. Last thing that made you laugh?
amaranthtraces 's answers to this.
34. Best bed sheets as a child? I always had plain ones.
35. Worst injury you've ever had? Broke my arm when I was eight. Almost drowned as a teenager. Had a couple of minor concussions over the years. Does having a baby surgically removed count?
36. Do you love where you live? Mostly.
38. How many TVs do you have in your house? Two. The work of art and the old one in the basement.
39. Who is your loudest friend? Depends on the day.
40. How many dogs do you have? None.
41. Does someone have a crush on you? My husband. I hope.
42. What is your favourite book? Fiction: Wizard’s First Rule by Terry Goodkind. Too bad the series dwindled to crap after the third or fourth book. Also a fan of Anne MacCaffrey. Non-fiction: A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson. Also fond of stuff by Richard Dawkins.
43. What is your favourite candy? Snickers bars and Swedish berries.
44. What is your favorite sports team? The local pro hockey team. That’s ice hockey to those of you who aren’t Canadian.
45. What song do you want played at your funeral? Hmm. Another One Bites the Dust? Maybe not. How about Itsy Bitsy Spider?
46. What were you doing at 12 AM last night? Sleeping. For once.
47. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning? Is it morning already? Who approved that?