Okay. In an attempt to kickstart my muse into writing again, I’ve been rereading all my old fics to determine what I liked and didn’t like about them.
Here goes:
Risks and Rewards S/D
Enh. My first fic. From Sam’s POV, which I still can’t pull off well. I think we’ll leave it at that.
Freedom of Expression S/D
A character piece on Daniel with an S/D fluff kicker. It was the first fic I was ‘inspired’ to write (after a multilingual bus ride home from work one day), and I’m still kinda proud of it. I’ve only rarely found fic that really explores Daniel’s linguistic gifts, yet I so enjoy it.
The Whumpacious Whumpification of the Whumped GEN
Co-written with
amaranthtraces , and a damn fine time we had of it, too. Our first true attempt at humour. If we were writing it now, we probably could have made it a bit tighter and given poor Hammond more of a voice rather than just a POV. But it still makes me snort when I read it, so I still think we pulled it off fairly well.
Severing S/D
My first long fic. Not long in a War and Peace sort of way, but long for me. Also my first solo whumping story. Rereading it now gives my increasingly sensitive melodrama alarm a couple of piercing whoops, but it could be worse. I think my OC manages to stay on the tolerable side of being a
Mary Sue, if only barely.
Remnant S/D
My favourite of my longer fics, mostly because I really enjoyed writing from the bad guy’s POV. I made it a challenge not to write from Daniel’s (normally my favourite) until the final chapter, though to be fair I got to cheat and get into his head anyway due to the nature of the plot.
Oh, and I had a blast writing the Jacob/Selmak scenes. I’ve been trying to come up with a decent bunny including them, just so I can do it again.
I could have done a better job with the S/D parts, particularly the beginning where I just throw their feelings for each other in without explanation or reason for them to differ from canon. Kinda surprised I’ve never been called on it.
Better Than a Sarcophagus S/D
Another collaboration with
amaranthtraces . We wrote this in a day or two as a present for an injured
jessm78. It’s kitschy in parts, but it’s a parody and a present, so I think it works. I went a little farther writing the make-out scene than I had in the past, so it was good practice. And Amaranth excelled herself in writing Vala.
La Pesadilla GEN
An experiment with a different writing style than my norm. I stuck to a single POV for the entire story, and told it in snapshots rather than a continuous stream. It’s in the present tense, which was also a first for me. I wanted to emphasize Daniel’s hazy confusion throughout most of the story and it seemed the best way to accomplish it. It’s somewhat stilted in sections, but not too horrendous, I don’t think.
Image S/D
Ah, yes. My first attempt at smut. Part of what bugs me about the smut out there in the fandom is the saccharine sappiness coating much of it. Not that other people shouldn’t write sap, if that’s what appeals to them. But it would be nice if I could more often find a balance between the clichéd euphemisms and sickly sweet melodrama on one hand and the harder, more profane, often emotionless smut out there on the other. This was my attempt to find that balance. Not an entirely successful outcome, but better than I expected.
Movie Night Bonding GEN
This originally began as Chapter Two of Remnant before being cut as extraneous. A quick rewrite to set it in Jack’s living room rather than on a tel’tac, and it was salvageable as a teamy one shot. I think pregnancy hormones gave me the right amount of pissiness to help me take another step away from
Saint Daniel. Plus it was fun to let my inner (or not-so-inner) dork out to play with all the Star Trek references. ;;
Sadly, it didn't seem to help my muse in the slightest. But it was a pretty effective method of procrastination, so yay me.