Oh yeah Baby, life's so sweet when the friend you need is back with you! Minzie still loves me and I'm still her soulmate, that's just too great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nothing much else happened today to be honest, my lil cousin is back from his class trip and he liked it, I'm glad he's back. Now I'm bored and I'm trying to think about what fanfiction I could write now. I need an idea, something good, something that makes you speechless! But unfortunately I can't think of anything like that!
Well, my Soulmate has sent me some beautiful songs and I'm listening to them right now, so I feel like a part of her is with me! Especially when I listen to her favo song no one has ever gotten from her before. I feel very honoured!
In the evening I'm going to ride Nandos, the most beautiful horse in the world, I just wished he would be mine!!! Or at least I could afford the price to ride him regulary but I can't! Why do the most enjoyable things in the world be that expensive? That absolutely sucks!
Now I'm going to write, whatever is in my mind, and try to put a little smile upon my soulmate's face!
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