With Eurofurence in full swing, upcoming conventions were on my mind.
Midwest Furfest 2009
I already have a hotel room, but I still need to register. I don't know why I'm procrastinating. I'm planning on driving out, so I can bring my fursuit and hockey gear again. My only concern is that my fursuit is in need of some professional repair. My hind paw has a gaping hole. I was also thinking about getting new front paws. However, I haven't had any luck getting in contact with
brokkentwolf. I don't know if he's ignoring me or what. So I am in danger of not having a fursuit to wear for MFF. :-(
Anthrocon 2010
I am really happy that AC has decided not to make hotel rooms available until February. There may be a mad rush once February gets here, but at least I have time to consider whether or not I want to go next year.
Further Confusion 2010
I haven't been to FC in a few years, so it would be great to go next year, and catch up with friends that can't make it to the east coast. I have plenty of vacation time now, so I have no worries about using it up. I'm just hesitant to register until I see how MFF goes.