Sep 25, 2009 17:45
It's been hard to focus recently. All I want to do is watch the news and get more pissed off at the world. I don't understand what's happening or why something else isn't happening faster. I guess I'm so angry because I feel like I have no voice. Sure I can blog the shit out of this site all day long, but not a lot of people are going to see it. I could start video blogging and youtubing everything but then I'd be like all the other people with webcams and free time. And all that's happening for those people is other people agreeing with them.
I know I said that, that's what I was hoping for a few days ago, but now I'm hoping for more. I want power. As a control freak, I want the ability to destroy, and restructure everything according to my values. Cuz I got some good fucking ideas! The problem is that I don't come from rich blood. I don't have a college education. I don't have friends in high places. And I'm not a sleezy enough douchebag to actually become a politician. I lose! I am an ordinary citizen, with a somewhat ordinary background, in an ordinary neighborhood. I have no voice! What's a letter to a state house rep? It's nothing. What's a petition? Something that I'm not gonna be able to get a bunch of people to sign. I can't even get the fucking police to get a woman to stop harrassing and sending death threats to me! (Glad that's over for now.)
Police do nothing for anyone. You have to kill people to get attention around here. Even some times, you don't. In some places ex-cons and their wives can kidnap a young girl and hold her prisoner on their own property for more than 20 years without anyone doing anything about it. In places like that you can call the cops and tell them that you're hearing suspicious noises coming from the crazy ex-con's home, and no one will do a damn thing. In those same places, you can not only kidnap a young girl and keep them prisoner, you can even rape them, kill them, and bury them in the backyard. Cops just don't give a shit.
If you're a cop, 9 times out of 10 you have a massive ego problem. You like bossing people around. And you like having a gun at your side because it makes you feel better about the problem that people don't see deep down inside of you. You're actually the weakest of the weak in this world, so you act out and fuck with other people. People that are much stronger than you. Lets say that a person like me and a person like you were equal, but you still treated me the way you do to everyone you encounter, I would tell you to go fuck yourself, and stomp that pig head into some nice warm curb. In this society though, we give badges to these weak minded, self absorbed, mindtrip slobs and call them heroes. But the coward inside of them, just doesn't allow for them to take on the dangerous tasks. Tracking down thieves, murderers, rapists, gang leaders, and other police officers. That's while I'll never see my lap top again, and I'm always going to have crazy people sending me threats.
I've had it with this goddamned place we call Earth, but I have to go pick up Kristen.