Woot woot for snow/ice days without actually a lot of ice.
Anyways, here are some pictures from Winter Climbing.
1. 2/3 Spirit
For our last meet, we were meant to dress up according to a theme. We voted between war paint, 80's, pirates and ninjas, etc.. We were going to go with either war paint and 80's when someone pointed out, you can't go part way with 80's. So, some how, we decided on 80's as our theme. Well, only 3 people actually dressed up. And JW who was all excited for the theme and wanted everyone to wear shorty shorts, failed to dress up at all. "I didn't have time." Nice job JW. Anyways, the rest of the NCS team put on crazy purple "war" paint on our faces. STA team failed to show any spirit at all. lame. Anyways, props to BW and MR for enduring the stares of other random climbers and actually having spirit. Then again, there were plenty of stares towards our team with KD running around with a bandana + war paint and MS, SV, and me dancing to "jump on it." Oh and boo for little kids and their silly birthday parties. Oh, so bad framing of the picture, but it was totally rushed because we had to get ready to climb.
Models: BW, MR
2. Conqureing the world, one staircase at a time
This photo was taken by JV aka Justin/Jason Kapinski. ohmygod our team is HUGE this year. This is a huge jump from the team last year [I wasn't on it...] of like 5 or 6 people. And this picture doesn't even show the entire team. A couple people were missing. I know a couple people are blurry and some people aren't looking at the camera, but this is the only picture where you can actually see everyone. Oh and how sad is it that I still don't know some of the freshmens names/can't tell them apart? I'm sorry you guys x.x
Models: BW, CG, NF, MR, GW, LB, GR, MS, C?, K?, C? B?, L?, KD, TF
3. Okay, now a funny picture
Yay for the varsity team! I would first like to point out how TF is blurry in almost every single picture. Next, I would like to point out KD. Now, I'm not surprised at KD and her scary "hey babe" face, but now look at MS. MS with a seductive face? ahhhh! -falls over- haha. GR and BW are funny and MR is just kind of doing her own thing. This isn't exactly an amazing picture, but its cute/amusing. Oh and how scary is it that 5/6 of these people will be GONE next year?!
Models: TF, MS, KD, MR, BW, GR
4. D.Y.L.A.N
The varsity team again. They are spelling out [or trying to] the name of an Episcopal climber. -insert long story here- hahaha. TF is blurry yet again. And that is so not a D. And KD's L is being blocked...and BW and GR....a N? Anyways, still hilarious. ...I should send this to the Episcopal team. Without an explanation or anything. Just the picture. I wonder if they would get it. rofl.
Models: TF, MS, KD, MR, BW, GR
5. Last but not least
The JV team = ] Yeah, not exactly an exciting picture but I had to include it. We had a funny picture too but it wasn't that good. Pfft, I like how GW forgot her shirt...and she was wearing a tiedye shirt which really made her stand out...but now she's wearing a grey shirt and she still stands out.
Models: B?, C?, AH, NF, GW, LB