Title: Betrayal
Fandom: Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Author: vio55
Characters: Marth x Ike, mentions of Ike x Pit
Prompt: Questions table, Prompt #6 Who should I pick?
Word Count: 155
Rating: R
Warning(s): Yaoi, sexual content.
Summary: "Is this what you really want, Ike?"
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
"Is this what you really want, Ike?" Marth says softly in the other man's ears. "It's up to you..."
Ike shivers slightly, and scolds himself silently for allowing himself to foolishly be pulled into the situation he's in. He shouldn't be doing this, and he knows he'll never be forgiven for it.
"I-It is..." he murmurs, feeling Marth's tongue darting out and around the curve of his ear and his hands are in places that Ike should only be giving up to one person.
"You don't need Pit, now, do you?"
Ike wishes Marth hadn't said his name; he didn't need any other reminder that he was betraying the angel, the first one who had truly loved him and supported him at the Smash Mansion, but he can't hide anything anymore; he's so sick of the sorrow, the wanting, the sneaking around, the lying to him.
He just can't take it anymore.
"No, I don't."