Aug 28, 2008 02:18
I'm moving back to Rochester today. Most of my stuff has been put into a storage vault, which has a combo lock which I purchased. But for the past week or two it's been bothering me that I couldn't really remember the password. I think it ended in 6, and there was a 32 thrown in there somewhere. Yeah, horrible, I forgot the combo for my vault which holds my precious computer inside as well as my big comfy chair which i stole from the parking lot. Anyway, I looked up bolt cutters and found the only one to be 50 dollars. So yeah fuck that... But this is a new era today in which we live in. Tis the era of the "intarwebz."
Youtube is brilliant, thats pretty much it.
Long story short, I found multiple video that teaches me how to pick locks.
So I go out to longs, buy my lock and come home. It's quite simple, you wedge a piece of soda can into the lil hole in the lock by the bolt. This pushes down the ball inside, and bam, lock is open. First 20 attempts or so, fail... complete and utter fail.
Also not that I'm missing skin on two fingers and a small cut on my knuckle.
So I find an algorithm... holy shit, it made sense. Matched my combo on the test lock exactly. But since the technique involves lots of time and clicking, I decided to screw that technique. However I did derive my old combo from this algorithm. Or so I think I did.
Anyways, I find a new video. It's almost the same as the first, but the guy who did it only took 10 seconds to open it. And holy fuckshitfuckfuckers, it worked. And it didn't hurt at all. ^_^ Woot i'm so going back to highschool and getting me a new ipod