Sep 23, 2011 11:12

  • HAAAAVE YOU MET TED? I sure did!!! I saw Josh Radnor at the Singapore International Film Festival last week and I'm still having trouble beliveing that I actually did. He was taller than I'd imagine but I guess anybody is short when standing next to Jason Segal - the dude is freakishly tall. Anyway, he came down because his debut film, Happythankyoumoreplease, was showing. He did a short Q&A session after that and I shot some super blurry photos of him. I seriously need a photography class. So, dude is seriously articulate and has like 10 minute answers for each question. HE CAN TALK. Overall, he is as adorable as always. <3333 COME BACK AGAIN JOSH!
  • I'm half way through my final year of school. We had a guest speaker in class yesterday and he made us tell him what we wanted to do in the future. It's reassuring to know that my some of my fellow classmates still haven't decided what they want to do. The working world scares me to bits and I'm not exactly looking forward to heading out there to brave the world. I guess it's always good to take baby steps. The trick is to keep breathing. :)
  • Fall season is backkkkk! I am screwed. Because I watch TV shows only when they come on cable tv which is wayyyy slower than the US. Which means SPOILERS everywhere on my tumblr dashboard. It use to bother me a lot, but I guess it's inevitable when I'm a snail

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