the Chemistry teachers a sex offender now.
Well, I didn't see that coming.
I love The Spotted Cow and you would too.
I don't know that I like it when boys flatter me.
Drug dealers and sex abusers - these were the teachers of river hill. These were the teachers in the mist.
Want to write this long weekend, hope I do.
Trying to make it all work.
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I read a ton of articles and watched the news and they never said anything about weaons.
"...Mr. Beier has been arrested and charged with child abuse, 2nd degree assult (aka assult with a weapon, i looked it up) and 4th degree sexual offense
2nd degree assault generally refers to a sexual assault. If the defendant is charged with a "2nd degree assault with a deadly weapon" this refers to a physical assault.
No weapon was involved (as far as we can know).
Just thought I'd peep in.
Hartlove- drug dealer
Glenelg Teacher- Molestration
Beier- Child abuse, assult and sexual assault
Gah what is the school system coming to!
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