Oct 07, 2003 02:40
To be honest I've never thought about doing something like this before, but here I am. My very own live journal. Even has my signature icon/pic/thingy in the corner. Isn't it great? *Sighing.* It looks better when bigger, believe me. 100x100 pixels do not a great picture make when it's already been resized a few times.
*Glancing about.* Hmmm...it's kinda empty, but not to worry that will change as time goes by.
First off I'm going to say this: If you're expecting a super-fancy, blow the soxs, shoes, etc. off your body style of journal this likely won't be it. At least not for a while. ~_^ I'll have to pester some friends into showing me some of the ropes, I think.
Another point: I get goofy when tired, so if something doesn't make sense I'm going to put the blame on being tired. ;-) Got it? Good.
Now you may carry on doing whatever you like, but for me it's time for bed. These 3:30pm-12am shifts suck. :( Oh well, at least it's money, experience, and...okay, I've run out of good things about it at the moment. Come back tomorrow and I may have some more, but I doubt it. ;-)