At this point I've written 40K, which is just about half of my fic (Ch. 1~5 and Ch. 10 out of a total of 10 chapters). The past few days have been kind of tough; there's been a lot of anxiety about the plot and whether I can finish things on time. I'm looking to have a final draft by the 10th of June, which would give my beta at least 10 days to proof-read the whole story before the 20th of June, when 80% of the fics are due. Since I'm also planning to participate in the X-Men Big Bang, I'm planning to get my entire story polished and finished by the 20th.
I'm hoping that getting everything written, at least in draft form, by the 10th is going to be a realistic idea, since there are 17 days to go until the 10th, which gives me roughly 4 days to write each chapters from 6 through 9. I'm hoping that this should be enough!
So apparently Actal antacid tablets doesn't work on me anymore. I'm not sure if it's because I've been popping them like candy these past few months, or if it's because they never quite worked in the first place. I went looking for new antacids to try out today, and came home with a box of weird-looking Chinese herbal pills that was recommended to me by the pharmacist. Upon closer inspection, I discovered that they are made mostly out of ginger. I really hoped the Chinese herbal pills would work since it seems to be a more natural and safer cure, but alas, I didn't feel much of a difference. I guess I might just have to go back to Alka-Seltzer after all. Not that there's anything wrong with them; they work great, but I'm not too much of a fan of taking pain-killers on a regular basis.
The pharmacist also told me that heartburn and indigestion is a sign of stress and bad eating habits, and that I should focus on the root of the problem rather than medicating and staving off the symptoms, which I think was really great advice. Unfortunately, the stressors aren't things that will go away at this point in time, so I'll just have to eat better.
I haven't been feeling too great or sleeping very well for the past few weeks, but hopefully things will get better in June. One of my best childhood friends is going to be back in town next month, which I think will really help. She's really special; she doesn't have to do anything for me, all she has to do is be there to make me feel happy. She's only going to be in town for a few days, so we're planning to relax together at home and have a nice chat over tea and pudding. She's also a XM:FC fan and an Avengers fan - she saw The Avengers at the beginning of the month, so we'll probably spent a lot of time fangirling over it. I feel happier just thinking about seeing her again.