I just discovered Christine O'Donnell,
the Palin look-alike nutbar who won the GOP primary in Delaware, is the same Christine O'Donnell of "The SALT" ("The Savior's Alliance for Lifting the Truth"). If you, like me, are one of the MTV generation, you may remember her appearing on MTV and in other teen-culture venues to smile blissfully at us and implore us not to have ess-ee-ecks or touch our naughty bits.
Still don't remember her? Perhaps Rachel Maddow can help refresh your memory:
(Is it just me or does she seem to have twice as many teeth as a standard human being? There's something about that smile that makes me want to exit the water calmly but quickly.)
I love her final argument against fapping: "If a man knows how to please himself, then why am I in the picture?" Okay, honey, put aside for a moment your conviction you exist only as a receptacle for semen, and let me share a little secret with you: If a guy chooses wanking over physical intimacy, the major problem in your relationship is not sexual.