Non-gender-specific pronouns rock

Mar 31, 2005 03:09

I was talking with someone who is very much how i was and sometimes am... they were in the mood to be secluded from people. Not just for the night, but planned for it to be their future. I talked to them, and i think i had an impact... However i decided to share my Final Fantasy 10 game with her to emphasize.

ScReWY sTewY05: i felt the same way
ScReWY sTewY05: but i think the reason is
ScReWY sTewY05: its a memory
ScReWY sTewY05: remember how i've been playing FFX for so long? i never tell anyone the story line to it.... its about a World called Spira
ScReWY sTewY05: and this world revolves around deathScReWY sTewY05: fearing Sin (a giant monster that will randomly appears) will kill them and destroy their home
ScReWY sTewY05: and a religious group formed called Yevon because of the monster
ScReWY sTewY05: the religious group believed that the monster was punishment for using technology and doing things in vain
ScReWY sTewY05: so people abandonned technology
ScReWY sTewY05: and ran from life
ScReWY sTewY05: just so they wouldnt die
ScReWY sTewY05: a group called the Al Bhed hated Yevon because they felt it was a fake teaching that didnt know what it was talking about
ScReWY sTewY05: however the Al Bhed didnt know anything either
ScReWY sTewY05: the religion taught the following
ScReWY sTewY05: a Summoner must make a pilgrimmage to every Temple in the world and then sacrifice a friend and him/her self in order to defeat Sin
ScReWY sTewY05: however Sin would only be defeated briefly
ScReWY sTewY05: he'd come back
ScReWY sTewY05: Running from life, ending your life, just so that you didnt have to die... the only way people were happy and safe is if they were dead..... it didnt make sense, once someone realized it, they fought against the monster and destroyed it for good, unitining under a belief and new understand that death is not the answer, life is. Living a life to the fullest and not fearing death was the best way.
ScReWY sTewY05: Running from life, ending your life, just so that you didnt have to die... the only way people were happy and safe is if they were dead..... it didnt make sense, once someone realized it, they fought against the monster and destroyed it for good, unitining under a belief and new understand that death is not the answer, life is. Living a life to the fullest and not fearing death was the best way.
ScReWY sTewY05: there ya go
Person: interesting
ScReWY sTewY05: yeah
ScReWY sTewY05: so basically
ScReWY sTewY05: life is depressing in the sense that
ScReWY sTewY05: it...
ScReWY sTewY05: consists of the past
ScReWY sTewY05: and only the past
ScReWY sTewY05: what you do now creates a past for yourself
ScReWY sTewY05: based on that past you develop a present
ScReWY sTewY05: and that present leads you into the future
ScReWY sTewY05: by not doing things now, your future will have no past
ScReWY sTewY05: it will just be a continual sprial of nothing
ScReWY sTewY05: which is fine if you are in a coma
ScReWY sTewY05: even if nothing means ANYTHING right now
ScReWY sTewY05: and going to that prom means absolutely nothing to you right now
ScReWY sTewY05: in a year, 2 years, 5 years.... who knows... you might have a story to tell
ScReWY sTewY05: or you might have a joke
ScReWY sTewY05: or maybe even a memory that will help your future
ScReWY sTewY05: ok im done
Person: thanx
Person: that meant a lot
ScReWY sTewY05: :-)
ScReWY sTewY05: anytime
Person: :-)

So yeah... Thats cool. I doubt i did anything life changing, but if i did, AWESOME.

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I miss hockey really bad.... the Playoff hunt, the Playoffs... man. I miss hockey.

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I've never before been in a situation where its so good its bad. I'm in one now.... It involves... ummm..... *thinks*.... Soup. I like soup right? I like this one kind, Beef and Barely, alot! But its on layaway for another soup-eater now anyway. So whatev, the soup-eater might not want it, might not ever pick it up, the soup might not even let the soup-eater have it. So i can wait around for this awesome tasty soup. OR i can go for this new kind, Beef Vegetable. Looks like it will be pretty good. However, if i have the Beef Vegetable, i cant have the Beef and Barely.... and I REAALY want it. Soup is annoying. If i dont have the Beef Vegetable, and the Beef and Barely gets bought, i'll end up starving. Oh well, Soup needs to work on MY terms. Maybe i should just give up on that and just get a quick Cup-o-Soup.
Haha, this has got to be the LAMEST metaphorical entry ever.

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Jackie is short :) HAHAHAHA
Sorry, i had to say it.

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I'm short too. DAMN IT!!
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