The things you would never have known if you didn't read my blog!

Mar 01, 2008 12:55

According to April 2008 Psychology Today:

*We're more likely to remember our body language if we're focusing on the other person or a joint activity with that person than if we're focusing on ourselves.

*According to one study, increasing belief in determinism increases the likelihood of cheating on tests (because people get The Fundamental Psycholegal Error, or the belief that once you discover a cause for a behavior, you ought to be excused for it. But according to Stephen Morse, prof. of law and psychiatry, "if causation is an excuse then everyone is excused and no one is responsible." I think that means that the reverse ought to be true.

*Our "aesthetic preferences are closer to those of people familiar to you than to those of strangers."

*Impostor Syndrome: "The conviction that others grossly overestimate one's abilities." More women have this because women are quicker to internalize negative feedback than men are.

*60% of adults have gotten back together with an ex at least once.

*Men are more likely to agonize about getting a woman (usu. one "barely within their reach") than keeping her. Women are the opposite: Once they get emotionally invested in the relationship, they're more likely to agonize about keeping a man.


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