Round 4: Jack/Liz Drabble Submissions

Nov 27, 2009 22:49

Below are the Jack/Liz prompts for Round 4. Please submit your drabble as a reply to this entry.

If you are new to the community or are just needing a refresher on how to post/respond to drabbles, please visit this post first. There are no limitations as to how many drabbles you can submit. And remember - HAVE FUN!

Jack/Liz - Ava Gardner
Jack/Liz - candle
Jack/Liz - Catherine Deneuve
Jack/Liz - commercial
Jack/Liz - dessert switch
Jack/Liz - edible panties
Jack/Liz - gangster
Jack/Liz - hand gestures
Jack/Liz - "If you see something, say something."
Jack/Liz - judges' table
Jack/Liz - nanny
Jack/Liz - pep talk
Jack/Liz - peppermint
Jack/Liz - product placement
Jack/Liz - sex hair
Jack/Liz - social climbing
Jack/Liz - spare change
Jack/Liz - that's a deal-breaker
Jack/Liz - traveling pants

ship: jack/liz, !drabble submissions

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