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the prompts: round two )
Liz had kind of forgotten about the dress, since it wasn’t sitting in her living room all those months. But now that she had to face it every morning, it made her feel kind of depressed, she had never even worn it for any particular occasion… If she sold it now, it would be like admitting defeat. But there were only two occasions she could possibly wear this dress, and she didn’t feel like waiting for her Korean neighbours to die. (That would be morbid!)
“I guess I really should sell it,” Liz thought, “but I really don’t want to! It is so pretty…”
She decided to try it on, one more time. Probably not the best plan for someone trying to convince herself to sell the dress, but she didn’t care. It was so perfect… She twirled in front of the mirror. I’ll just wear it a little longer, she thought.
An hour and a half later, she realized she was still admiring the dress in the mirror. How does that happen? Blerg. It was kind of like highway hypnosis all over again.
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