Mundane Monday

Apr 02, 2007 10:09

Once the weather starts getting nicer I try to get back into my walking routine by having a cup of oats and toast at a local restaurant located 6 blocks from my home. While there I chitchat with some of the regulars, read the newspaper, or do a little writing. That's how I started off my day since it was 50 degrees this morning. In Chicago, that's considered a heat wave. lol

After breakfast I managed to add a few more blocks to my walk home. Oh yes, it was difficult since I've been basically sitting around all winter. It's hard to believe I used to walk for 5 miles or more each day. That was 3 years ago. (before I got lazy)

I think this is going to be a transition week for me. For the past 9 years, I spent most of my online time at my storyboard. Now that I've shut the place down and have all this free time, I'm not sure what I want to start on first. I think I'll do a little more LJ exploring, then get to work on drawing practice.


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