(no subject)

May 19, 2006 12:26

Soo its been a while. So Im at home after exams because I cant go nowhere because IM pretty much grounded. So I guess Ill update since Im bored out of my mind. Lots of things are goin on right now.Me and Heather got better..and now were being punished the worse we;ve ever been punished for the stupidest thing!This is the most trouble Ive ever been in. Ok, me and her hung out w/ James and we went to mcdonalds like we told my mom we were. Then Johnie called so we went to Adger /Virginia Mines to pick him up. ON the way back we went mud riding. A real short trail. Knowing we'd be back by like 9:15. welll with our great luck we get stuck in a huge mud hole for 3 hours! soo didnt get home till like 1:00. so now were grounded, got phones taken away for a while, me and heather aint allowed to hang out no more cus when were 2gether we always get in trouble. soo life sucks right now. pretty much. I was s'pose to go to jasper w/ heather,jess,brandon thats been planned forever but cant go. that sucks. My mom watches me constantly. calls me all the time when Im at home to make sure I havnt snuck out. She dont trust me at all anymore. Her mood has gotton a lil better. Mud ridin and gettin stuck was alot of fun thoguh..we built a campfire. jus the whole mom goin totaly foreal psycho wasnt cool. MIssed my 1st blk exam today. Couldnt find my book so didnt think I could take it so jus didnt. hopefuly ill be able to make it up. got called to the office today..i think mr.erikka turned in my blue form. I didnt go to the office. Ill be pretty pissed when I get suspened on the last day. if he turned it in then thats wut will happen. One good thing:My brothers comin home tonight or 2moro from iraq for liek 10 days. Another good thing:Dad's in California so he dont know bout me mud ridin.Unless mom tells.shes thinkin bout it/ This is a long post. Im sure no1 read it. If you did, thanks! U should comment! Cause Im bored and I need comments! okay I love yall
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