Yeah, I'm getting pretty tired of unquestioned religion, but it wouldn't be so bad if most of these religions weren't so damned old. Men's hair can't be down to the shoulders? And you can't kill people?! This shit is bonkers. Oh wait, unless God tells you to do it, therefore contradicting his own effing decree. Why didn't he just say "Thou shalt not kill unless I tell you to, or if it's in self-defense, or the person does not believe in me"? Moses was probably tired of carving all that shit, so he just summed it up.
I don't even know how effective the bible is for developing morality, seeing as how most don't even read it, just get stories in sunday school. Seems that logic is the best tool, and most should use it more often. By the way, the purple guy is Grimace (a.k.a. Greg Maynard).
I never want to argue with older people over religion because if I could actually change their views it might devastate them.
Yes, LOTR is way better. But they're on completely different levels for comparison...Lord of the Rings is on a level of way betterness.
Also, why the HELL didn't God already know that Abraham was faithful?! Can't he see into your heart and shit?
I don't even know how effective the bible is for developing morality, seeing as how most don't even read it, just get stories in sunday school. Seems that logic is the best tool, and most should use it more often. By the way, the purple guy is Grimace (a.k.a. Greg Maynard).
I never want to argue with older people over religion because if I could actually change their views it might devastate them.
Yes, LOTR is way better. But they're on completely different levels for comparison...Lord of the Rings is on a level of way betterness.
Also, why the HELL didn't God already know that Abraham was faithful?! Can't he see into your heart and shit?
ps: there, their, they're
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