Jan 06, 2008 20:55
I remember back in early November I made a comment to Dale about how the weather was going to kick our asses this Winter. I have never in my life been so completely sorry to be right. We had another storm today that made everything an ice skating ring. This wouldn't have been too bad except it happened when Dale was at the grocery store. He ended up running into a curb and then driving about 15 mph home. He called from the car to ask me to come out to help him unload since it was basically a blizzard outside. I took about ten steps and slipped. His back was to me and he heard my elbow hit the cement. I am now the owner of an elbow that is swollen, green and has a huge goose egg on it. Of course it's my right so everything is so not fun to do. I had to have Dale carry the laundry basket downstairs for me because anything over about five pounds just isn't being lifted with my right arm. Seriously, how much longer until Spring?
In a much more amusing part of the day, we were having issues with our brakes the other day so Dale worked on them Thursday. They worked fine after that -- most of the time. At odd moments (backing up and turning) they would go really spongy. He pulled the tire off this morning to see what the issue was and discovered he left the wrench on when he bled the brakes on Thursday. Every time we turned it put pressure on the wrench and basically bled the brakes more. I'm not sure which of us laughed harder about it being something so completely stupid. Amazingly, the wrench wasn't lost or damaged at all (we only drove a bit before parking the car for him to check it out for safety).