Mar 08, 2012 01:59
Who: Ianto and Anyone
What: Unsatisfied with the offerings in New Moore, Ianto has opened his own coffeeshop. New Brew, the new front to Torchwood New Moore coffee and tea shop, is now open for business
When: Thursday the 8th and Onward at irregular, unposted hours
Where: New Brew Coffee and Tea Shop in the Shipping District
Warnings: Will be updated as needed.
The coffee shop was nothing spectacular from the outside. A little building on the front of a warehouse that might once have been the shipping office. There was a counter with the usual suspects to be found in the good sort of coffee shops. No automated coffee dispensing machines. Just an expresso/steamer, bean pressers and brewers, the sort you might find in the art deco style of coffee shop. Coffee mugs and tea cups lined a bookcase to the back, everything neatly organized and in it's place. At any time, you could find a young Welshman in a suit, suit jack absent, but waist coat present, a stopwatch in his pocket and a book or pamphlet in his hands.
The service was friendly, but never particularly fast. But the coffee. The coffee was some of the finest roasted coffee to ever touch your taste buds. It was rich, full and flavorful, perfectly roasted and made to order.
The shop itself was small. Three tables were set up with two chairs a piece inside the doors. Comfortable chairs, but practical and light. The tables were bolted to the floor to discourage people from pulling them together, and round to make it an impractical endeavor. It was clear the owner did not expect or plan for high volume business. In fact, it would almost seem like he was discouraging it.
Whatever the case, the coffee and tea served there was damn fine, high quality stuff.
ianto jones,