Feb 27, 2012 10:28
Oh, I think I must have fallen asleep! I was supposed to be hibernating for the winter so I suppose that is normal... but now my roommate has changed and a lot of things seem to be different! Or perhaps I am still a little bit confused. Am I still dreaming?
Do people still remember me?
Have I missed anything particularly important?
greg lestrade,
kaylee frye,
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There was chocolate two weeks ago! Did you have any? It was very sweet and delicious, and made everything sleepy and nice. A lot of people were very upset over it, though.
No, I did not! I was still sleeping two weeks ago, I think...
I wish I didn't miss it - I like chocolate very much. Why would people be upset?
I'm not sure! Something about someone putting something in the chocolate, I think?
That might explain it, I suppose...
I didn't think it was bad, but others might have. I think there were different reactions to it. Maybe different flavors did different things?
Why would flavours do anything but make things taste different?
Maybe whatever they were using to flavor the chocolates was what caused the different reactions. Some berries taste good, but are poisonous, after all.
I hope no one got into trouble - when you eat something that doesn't agree with you it can be very unpleasant.
I think someone said something they shouldn't have... There was a big fight over it. I didn't look closely. It was boring.
But no one died, or anything. Some people got angry, and there might have been some fighting, though. Fighting with fists.
It wouldn't have been good if people died, though...
Different fights. One was all words, and all on the net work. [She pronounces it as two different words.]
The other was with fists, and it might have ad something to do with people and their mates...
I suppose maybe the chocolate made people angry? That isn't normal for chocolate at all.
Just words. Lots of angry words. Like how we are talking now, but angrier.
Oh, is it? I haven't had chocolate before. It doesn't do that all the time?
And no! it doesn't do that! Chocolate is always sweet and creamy and very nice. It always makes me very happy, not angry.
[Now that she's satisfied that the little troll understood what she was talking about, she's going to drop it like it never existed. She just doesn't find it that interesting.]
That is what it was like for me! Good. I'm glad that I had it right. I had hoped to get some more, but the shop where they were giving it out has gone.
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