Desk Warrior

Oct 10, 2004 11:23

Over a span of 26 hours, I worked 24 of them. I had a two hour break during which I went home to shower and replenish my supplies as well as order and pick up a pizza. Afterward, I gave myself an hour window to find parking somewhere relatively close to the desks I'd be working for the rest of... life. I found one on the grass out back of Yulee. Scared to death of getting a ticket. Scared shitless of being towed. Jennings. Then Beaty. Then Jennings again. Then Broward. Then Yulee. Then Broward again. "Why?" you ask? Because I don't care about football. I care about the expense of just applying to graduate school.

I've had my permit extended to 40 hours a week. That isn't to say I'm going to work 40 hours a week. I'm just sick of working 30 hours on the weekend, only to have very easy and convenient desk shifts pop up at the last moment during the weekdays (daylight hours, in fact) that I can't pick up because I've already maxed out. Most folks are busy on the weekdays, anyhow. And being free Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday does me little good because I'm so bored that I'm tempted to run out and spend money that I shouldn't. Putting a desk shift into that occassional weekday void both saves and earns. Win/win! Ha.

The oddest things have happened while working in the past couple days. Two geniuses tried to "smuggle" a full-sized pingpong ball table out of the backdoor of Jennings hall at 6:30am. I heard the loud, metallic, BANG BANG BANG so I went to check it out and found Abbot and Costello fumbling to fold the table to get it out the back door. We're hoping one of them was dumb enough to use their slide-card to get the back door open. We can check the system for the slide-card used at that time, and see who that card belongs to. Then it's just a matter of them either owning up to it, or me fingering them. It isn't like I'm out to narc on them. I just can't let stupidity like this go unpunished. This was NOT any sort of Mission: Impossible situation. Personally, I couldn't give a shit about pingpong. I would have been infinitely impressed if they had managed to get away with it and not get caught or otherwise incriminated. But making loud-ass noises right under my nose... don't they watch television? Come on!!!

The second odd thing that happened was the girl on the first floor of Jennings who plugged in her industrial strength hair dryer and blew the fuses for her floor. She came to the desk, and I was refreshed to see that she felt guilty for what she had done, but that was quickly replaced by an OMFG when she tagged on the "And my hair is still wet!" addendum to her confession.

Later, walking from Yulee to Broward, I had two run-ins with idiots. First was an SUV full of morons screaming out the window "Hey, Micheal Bolton!" and the second was the 40-something year-old man thinking he was being funny by acting like he was going to take away my pizza. I shot him my patented "You're so close to death you can taste it" look, smiled, and moved on. Third, whilst going home after my long long long day, I'm at an intersection of Museum and 13th waiting for the light to change, when a bunch of asshole LSU fans start a riot in front of my car to celebrate the victory. Yes, yay, go have fun and enjoy the victory, just don't do it in traffic you dumb fucks. Even smarter still, they didn't notice the cop sitting in his car in the left-hand turn lane. A quick flash of lights broke things up quickly enough.

I got home, watched "The Venture Bros." on Adult Swim's 2:30am showing, and then dropped off to sleep. I slept fairly hard until 9:30am when I had to drag my dead ass out of bed, brush my hair and teeth, and hobbled to Yulee where I am currently located. The wireless is being kind to me. Let's see how long that kindness lasts, shall we? It need only last long enough for me to finish this entry. I want to do a little more reading afterward in my Simulations book. I've read most of what I want to cover in preparation for the exam tomorrow, as well as in preparation for studying with Maria tonight. I'm not going to show up to study having not studied at all by myself. I'm not going to be that guy.

Tomorrow morning, I work again from 8am until noon. Then, I have a few errands to run before class. Tomorrow evening, mandatory staff meeting. Oh goody. Tuesday is going to be the day I buckle down and focus on my project a little more before I attend that night's NOW meeting. I'll see if I'm welcomed with open arms or hissed at and sent packing. I think I have something going on Wednesday, but I can't remember what it is. Thursday is the engineering internship thingy that I submitted a resume to the CSE engineering resume package CD to. In short, they're making a disk that holds all the resumes of all the engineers looking to attend this affair and do their best to scam an internship from it. Sometime this week I should swing by the advisor's office and ask about details of when/where and how I should dress, etc. I haven't panned out all the details yet, but I have to sit and think about what it is I want to get done in the next two weeks because the feel I'm getting is that things are going to be a little tight schedule-wise. Sheesh.

I've been on the internship hunt like a fiend. I've been running job searches on Boeing, Lockheed, and Raytheon. Boeing, mostly. The folks are putting a lot of pressure on me. Not because they care if I'm employed this spring. They're only thinking "travel plans" right now. They call every two or three days: "Have you heard anything yet?" My response is always: "NO!!! For the last time, the second I hear anything about anything, I promise you're going to hear about it, too! It isn't like I'm going to keep it a BIG SECRET, is it???" Or something along those lines. Nothing is ever simple. Grrrr.

Meanwhile, back in the Bat Cave... I've seen all three of the Ginger Snaps movies and I have to say I'm a new fan of this strange little series of B horror movies. I've been wearing my leather jacket around the house. My sheets feel extraordinarily comfortable at present time. There's an itch to watch Harry Potter in the back of my mind. My apartment is clean, and I feel happy looking at the spick'n'span-ness. I've gone six weeks without buying previously viewed DVDs from Hollywood Video, and I know I'm saving money that way (not like there's anything worth buying). Things seem somehow bleak/empty because there are no movies coming out anytime soon that I have a burning desire to see. The series of successes I've had with my Cube Solver is exhilerating and makes me excited to sit down and make more progress. I bought candles anticipating more powere outages, but I've been burning them just for the hell of it.

Anyways. Jen just IMd me. Gotta talk it up wit her.
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