Oct 09, 2007 20:05
Aight so I'm back. Whole "animal in ceiling" thing is fixed. Jeez, I keep switching between two languages. Should really make up my mind eh?
On a less brighter note, I miss my matey:( Haven't talked to her in a week and a couple of days and I really miss her. This is totally what I thought was gonna happen. Shit dude, I dunno how we'll ever get back to our previous "mode".
Anyway. Got an amazing bulletin on Myspace. I just wanted to put it out there, because not everyone got that bulletin and I think EVERYONE should get it. It's by Alexandra Dreyfuss, all the credit for this sane message should go to her! Don't you think it's weird that when Britney Spears was on the VMA's this year, everyone started complaing that she was fat? I'm NOT a Britneyfan myself *at all* and I think she should seriously clean up her life but..FAT? She gave birth to two kids *recently* and she finally looks like a normal person. Like US. Am I the only one who is confused? I seriously hope not.
These girls are all so skinny!
I recently read an article about the “thin” trend in Hollywood. It made me fall on the floor laughing. I have never come across something so hypocritical in my life. It has come to my attention that we as actresses are not judged by our talent, but by our dress size. I find it sad that so many wonderful actresses who study and put every ounce of themselves into a part are first looked at for body type instead of their ability. Now on some level I do agree that in this industry you must stay healthy for you are a public figure. But that means not going to either extreme. I was at an audition a while ago, and I ran into a girl who was about five three and one hundred and twenty pounds; she looked amazing. But I noticed that she was extremely nervous, so, I asked what was wrong. She looked up at me almost on the brink of tears, her eyes filled with a sad sense of amusement and she said, “its just everyone in this room is so skinny, I’ll never even be considered” I was appalled at this statement; but partly because I knew she had a point. Both her and I were going to walk in and be looked at and discarded for the one sheer fact that we look like normal healthy girls, still thin, but not “Hollywood” thin. I hope that one-day Hollywood opens its eyes and realizes the harm it is causing and the talent it is losing to the monster it has created, I recently saw the same girl a few days ago at an audition, she was still five three but she could not have been more than ninety pounds. She looked tired, sickly and all the amusement that was once in her eyes had been replaced by sheer desperation and sadness. But the worst part was when I began to speak to her, asking her if she was prepared for the audition she said “yes, but it doesn’t matter, I mean look at these girls they’re all so skinny… and I’m well not” I smiled not knowing what to say and also not wanting to embarrass her. This industry has the power to change lives; I just wish they would take that into consideration and use their influence to teach young hopefuls to be the best actress they can be and not the thinnest actress they can be. Help girls to understand that not everyone is built the same and you’re most beautiful when you are the healthiest for your own body type, not everyone is built like Kate Moss nor should we try to be. I just find it sad that every year so many girls come to Hollywood with a dream and leave with an eating disorder.
Thank God I have the sane part of Hollywood in my Myspacelist:)
eating disorders,
alexandra dreyfuss,
britney spears,