Apr 21, 2009 22:42
As I keep learning more and more, I'm amazed with how vast and how incredible this life really is.
I think the only real principle is the law of belief- whatever you believe, you will experience.
If you believe life is a battle, it will be.
If you believe life is an incredible opportunity, it is!
If you believe you're invincible, you will be (mostly, anyway).
It's just about beliefs.
Other things I'm learning- everything in the universe is directed towards life.
Everything is meant towards life, meant to be experienced.
This is a journey. It's an incredible, rich journey filled with opportunities, experience and incredulity.
It's just amazing :) And I'm really blessed to be a part of it.
I think also, that this is continuous.
Continuous in an infinitive sense. This always is, always will be.
Just in different forms I think.
We will create, destroy, re-create, re-destroy.
It's just a cycle.
If you really think about it, everything in this universe is mass or energy.
And neither mass, nor energy can be created or destroyed.
So there is no beginning, no end.
Just a variation of forms. Different forms, different results, different experiences, different lives, different creations.
The more I think about it, the more I actually do believe in reincarnation.
We're all just energy with matter. So we will end one form but begin another promptly.
Really, what else is there to it?
If you could be you for eternity, would you really?
Would you choose that over starting fresh on a new palate? A new painting, a new chance at a masterpiece! Wouldn't you want that?
If this life right here is a masterpiece, then wouldn't you want to create more and more of them?
I do. And that is my conception of the universe.
One last thing on my mind today- pain.
Pain is such a beautiful thing. Death is such a beautiful thing.
I know I'm pretty unique in this perception. But I really think it is.
Because without an actually concrete end to an experience, we won't experience it!
Knowing that one day, we wont be with this person, will make us treasure them infinitely more.
Knowing that one day, we wont still be students, makes learning such an incredible experience.
Knowing that one day, this wont necessarily be, makes this moment, incredible!
Without it, we just take it for granted.
Without it, it just becomes a routine, another day, another morning, another class, just another.
Things are winding down right now, and I have a greater appreciation for them than ever before.
The kids are leaving soon :(
Anatomy is almost done :(
Tuition is almost over :(
Things are just winding down, wrapping up, and I am getting ready for new beginnings!
I'm excited for these new beginnings.
But I also have a profound appreciation for all the things I have right here.
I have learned so much from the kids!
I'm really glad to have been a part of sfstate.
Anatomy just opened up so many new opportunities for me!
I am just really blessed and I appreciate it like never before.
The thing though, is that all of this is "just another day" until the days are numbered.
So we should be grateful for our endings, as well as our beginnings.
Because without appreciation, I don't think there is experience :)
So be grateful for pain, because without it, you wont ever know how amazing "normal" really is.