Title: At Least I Author My Own Disaster
By: Thought
Fandom: Avengers2012
Pairing(s): Tony/Pepper/Bruce
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Not my characters. Title and cut text (C) Of Montreal.
Summary: The villain of the week pours acid over Tony Stark's eyeballs. Life proceeds.
Notes: I accidentally 2800 words of fic this morning, apparently. Sorry guys.
things could be different, but they're not )
And like, ngl, there's a big part of me that gets frustrated with fandom for being so good around trigger warnings and being sensative and respectufl to issues of queerness and gender and race, and yet someone can write a story about character A becoming disabled and suddenly becoming helpless and tragic until character B promises to take care of them and love them *anyway* and shows them the light with their love/penis. And everyone is like 'zomg so adorable/heart warming/sad!'. and I'm just like 'please warn for triggering ableist bullshit so I am prepared and won't feel like hdiing from society forever after reading your fic. I... apparently have a lot of feelings about this. Huh.
Ahahaha not offensive at all. I post all of that so that people can join me in the headdesking/mocking etc. :D
Anyway, thank you for reading even though this is not your usual fandom!
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