
Dec 16, 2009 13:13

Are people REALLY this politically correct??? Are you fucking seriously being serious? How do you protest a movie about the future that obviously hasn't happened yet?!?!?!?! There are eighty-bajillion more meaningful things to get involved in and you morons pick.....this?

Here's the headline and a brief sampling:

Avatar Offensive to Transgender Humans?

Here's a summary of what is wrong with the Avatar film:

1) Avatar assumes that the heterosexual, "male" and "female" attraction will still be the primary relationship basis in the future.

2) Avatar ignores the fact of Evolution. Humans are evolving to be being Transgender, NOT heterosexual.

3) Avatar also assumes that intelligent beings on other worlds would be heterosexual.

Source 1
Source 2

Oh, and I LOVE how part of the protest is to buy tickets to the movie and not show up. Fucking idioits.
Oh humanity....there you go again!

stupid people, current events

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