Nov 16, 2005 17:00
Another death... my great grandmother died today... im gonna miss her. i always loved going to her house cuz i'd always show up and the kitchen would be full of fresh made food. she was a master in the kitchen and it seemed like she always timed everything perfectly to finish just as i was arriving. you never realize how much you take things for granted until they are gone. the past two times i would have gotten to see her i opted not to go for some reason... now i wish i had gone cuz it would have been two more times before she was gone... now its no more times... but im not gonna be like that with my grnadfather.. i feel he is next and every chance i get i am going to see him. every day is a gift to him... 4 open heart surgeries, two amputated legs, nearly blind, and diabetic... yeah my true hero is that man... one time he had a clog in his heart and his body build a vein to go around the clog so he pretty much preformed heart bypass surgery on himself there... yeah my true hero is that man... through all his hardships he has always had a smile on his face...
so yeah in the past 3 weeks my greatuncle and great grandmother have died...