Aug 21, 2010 15:11
So, bottling beer sucks. It is an insane amount of effort to put out for extra chances of infection and the inherent inconsistency of carbonation levels from bottle to bottle. Remedy: Kegging. Fortunately I have access to four kegs that GodEmp, WynterDragon and myself purchased a few years ago. I know the concept of wynterdragon having anything to do with alcohol or its production may seem foreign, but at one time we brewed our own mead. It was actually pretty damn good to. Now the task of refurbishing the kegs has begun, and with this new gained knowledge, I am surprised our mead did not go bad within weeks of putting it in the Cornelius keg after racking. There are so many parts that need to be cleaned that cannot be without disassembling the entire unit. Well, off to go lose some more layers of skin to the caustic keg cleanser that the parts are soaking in.
Primary: Blasphemer Holiday Ale (This stuff was amazing unfermented, can't wait for the finished product in 4 months)
Secondary1: CCB Amber Clone (Doc's Cellar Kit)
Secondary2: Dunkleweizen 2 (looking much better than our first attempt)
Secondary3: Belgian Trappist Triple (Brewer's Best Kit) w/ Chimay's own yeast
Coming up: Thunder Pumkin Spice Ale, Robust Porter (Brewer's Best Kit), Sam Adams Winter Lager Clone, Red Baron Irish Red Ale (our first attempt at our own recipe), Firestone DBA Clone (Jamil Show Recipe: extract version)