Why hadn't some otaku somewhere made an AMV of it with the Big Guy in YYH? XP
Well, I'm still not sure if anyone has or not, but I found out the other day that Dir en Grey also has a song with that same title.
And this pleased me:
Click to view
This is über-nerd!
Last Friday I was running around doing some errands, and decided Let's Make the Evening Interesting via the sending of a ballsy text message. Many many exchanges later over the course of the weekend--including some drunken Seuss-ian ones courtesy of Yours Truly Saturday night--and Monday evening, has I'm pleased to discover exorcised me of an acute sort of anxiety over some personal shit. I was feeling like I'd been dug into a hole not entirely of my own making and then left with the shovel. Now I feel like I can dig a tunnel.
Aside from the drunk texting, Saturday night was a blast. There was a fair amount of drunken sorority chicks making out with each other and whatever creatures happened to suffer the fortune or misfortune of crossing their paths. One of our friends was actually pinned under three of them at one point; he managed to pry himself loose, only to have one latch onto him and pull him back while another pulled off his shirts. He's now got at least one of their numbers and they wish to all meet up again sober, haha. Another friend wound up in the kitchen making out with one of the other girls, and I believe that Wednesday night they went on a date.
These are just a few examples, but it was one of our best parties yet. I'd rank it Second, between Death to Finals! as First and Housewarming as Third. Though I might just be biased, placing the one First because I gotta stay up till four with good conversation and pot ^^
Doing the party math, the cast party for the next play (somehow we've become the Thespians' Den, regarding those things) ... I'm thinking that the possibilities of an orgy commencing or trying to commence is high. We'll keep our hoses on stand-by.
My mom and Amanda are coming over this way tonight. They're staying at my grandparents' and then going out to a college near here, William Jewell, in the morning. Amanda's already applied and been accepted there, but last I checked there's one program there that she's waiting on to see if she got in, and if she does then she says she's definitely going there next Fall; the program enables those enrolled to spend either one semester or the entirety (I can't remember which) of their Junior year studying at either Oxford or Cambridge--so Mandy would get to go to Britain, which would be pretty awesome. The meeting her and my mom are going to in the morning is regarding some other thing she's eligible for as well because she has a 30 ACT and 3.97 GPA; if she gets that, there's the possibility of her going to this school full-ride.
In many ways, it looks like my sister'll be in the area for school next year. I fully intend on kidnapping her as frequently as she'll allow.
I'm supposed to meet up with them sometime in the afternoon when their meeting's over. I might also be meeting up with Tat before that to mooch off the washer and dryer at her house. So, I might manipulate shit so that they can all meet each other, but until this evening at least that's all still mostly up in the air.
I've even got quasi-formed plans for Sunday. There's some free show in town that a few girls I know here at the school are going to, and another friend's also planning on going. For the two-three years I've lived in this city, I've actually yet to see a show (discounting one I saw here at the school last year), largely because the free ones like this are usually 21+--and whether this one is as well, I'm not sure and should probably check; if it isn't, though, I'm giving these girls at the school a call.
And at some point there's some drafts of shit I ought to start. And stuff I said I'd read. And a dartboard I need to stop putting off mounting.
Here's to doing shit this weekend!