Nov 23, 2009 02:23
In all seriousness, folks, given the cantankerous behavior of my car in most of the past month that I have owned it, both parts of that phrase are a possibility.
Car has four tires that aren't bald, on the bar, and/or flat now. That's good. Car is no longer stranded behind the house. Also good. Car did not die at all after we charged up the battery via jumper cables yesterday afternoon and I drove it up to the Firestone a couple of miles from here. Terrific so far.
Car cannot keep a charge for long when it's not running, though. Firestone tried running some diagnostics but apparently the electrical/wiring in this particular car is so complex that they're unable to successfully dabble with it. It was recommended to me that I relocate it to another car place just down the street from that Firestone.
Well, I'm not waiting around here all week going nuts while that does a stint in some garage. When I told my dad about it earlier he said to call up the Firestone when I wake up in the morning and request that they take out the battery and charge it up to full voltage. I then secure a ride from someone up to the Firestone and retrieve the car, which should be able to run off that for a while at least. It should be able to stand being off at the house long enough for me to bring down my bag of books (looks like there'll be some Shakespeare and Art going on this week during Thanksgiving Break), my basket of dirty laundry (toss that in the washer once I reach Riley, and suddenly I have an abundance of clothes to choose from to wear for the rest of the week there XP), and Rainbow (even if I feed and water him right before leaving, he'd need it done again at least once during the week, and I've no clue if anyone would even be around on Thursday; much easier for him to take a trip home too, then) and load all that into the car.
Then it's a 2-3 hour drive to Riley, no stops unless absolutely necessary, and hoping that the battery dislikes the idea of dying on the side of the road. Even if it does and I can't get anyone to stop and jump it, it'll be during daytime hours, so I'll have light and it shouldn't be too terribly cold (I'll toss a blanket or two in the car as well); I can lie down and read for a couple of hours or something while I wait for my dad to come out to wherever. I guess the whole logic behind all this is that even if he does have to come for me, he'll have a shorter drive retrieving me from somewhere on the side of the highway than all the way from Kansas City.
Plus, once the car's back in familiar territory, there's a loose confederation of about half a dozen guys, a few of whom have been mechanically intimate with this car previously in its life, who shall be so kind as to rectify this and some other issues in the week that I'll be there. And I'd much rather face the possibility of it dying for a while on the way there, when I know someone's ready to come out and get me, than on the way back here, when my human resources will be more limited.
So we'll see what tomorrow brings. Que sera, sera!