Title: Puzzle
Pairing: Hiei/Kurama
Summary: Puzzle is an apt description of Hiei Jaganshi. Past, ambitions, thoughts, feelings, expression. Currently, though, Kurama’s curiosity is focused on a matter far more minute and precise…
Warnings: yaoi, knismolagnia (look it up or wait for definition at the end).
here and
here. I'm sorry for the delay. It could have easily been finished and posted on Friday night, but I met up with a friend around 5:30 pm Friday, and got back to the dorm around 5:30 am this (Sunday) morning. For all the exposure I've had to it over the years, this weekend was the first time ever that I got high. Apparently one of the early signs of it setting in is a pronounced awareness of one's pupils, which I found interesting.
So anyway my weekend wound up mostly devoted to hanging out with some friends and practicing my pipe-smoking. Today I slept in until 1:30, finished writing "Puzzle," then went to the first "Meeting of the Sins" (a play) ... meeting. Our premise: we are the Seven Deadly Sins, gathered to figure out what to get Satan for his birthday. Roles were switched around a few times, costumes were perused, and right now it appears that I, who it appears shall remain Sloth (I was Sloth once before, too, between being Wrath and then briefly Envy), am going to do a drugged-up rocker look (I even have my groupie: in this play the reason Sloth is so tired is because Lust keeps her up all night), with really funky-looking gray-and-lace coat-thing, and electric blue hair (it's a wig and damn do I love it)--there will be pictures in time, people!
Also it was my youngest sister's birthday yesterday. She is now fourteen and has pierced ears after they (my mom, my other sister, and a friend) lured her into Claire's. Though my did she help play herself: Mom, you should do a job contact at Claire's! So Mom did, then on the way out told Sam to sit down in the chair. It took her a few times, but Sammi finally got what the hell she was talking about. Silly Sammi.
So now, I'll pick something to read for class, probably Midnight's Children or Frankenstein, and knock out some pages or something before I head toward bed. Which may be a while, since it's been a late day and all. But you guys: go read and review, hmmm??