Back in Rural Limbo for Thanksgiving.

Nov 25, 2008 10:33

My "uncle" picked me up on Friday.  We had to stop over at his school (Haskell--the Indian college in Lawrence) for a while because he had to do a court meeting to get something struck from his record.  Judging from the plans he told the judge he has (and didn't make up), I'm a little suspicious that the government still consciously works against Indians, otherwise if they were able to exact such plans before they were 40 there'd be Indians all up and down the fucking administration XP

Some people at Haskell thought I was or was going to be a student there.  I guess I pass as less watered-down than I thought.  And apparently if I were a generation older than I am, I would be eligible to go there.  Well, if we had the paperwork that we'd probably need.  Dumb white ancestors didn't think keeping track of that sort of thing was called for; white is might, right?  Bleh.

Anyway, I'm here, which on its own is fine (though I'm still readjusting to how freakin' cold they keep this house ==+).  But I have school crap I've got to work on, too.  I finished my Intifada paper for reals this time, and hopefully Amanda remembers and prints it out at school today (printing stuff there's free ^^).  Now I really wish I could get to work on my Communications project, but it's proving a litle difficult.

Yeah, the bitch professor assigned us a GROUP PROJECT with a good portion of the work-on-it time being OVER THE FUCKING BREAK.  You know, when we're not able to meet in our groups because we're, uh, not there?  Fine, whatever.  The group decided we'd keep each other up on this via e-mail this week.

Well, Autumn's Problem the First is that our outline, which says what everyone's doing, was saved in a Word  2007 document.  Word 2007 being like the most worthless software upgrade ever.  I can't open it on the computer because we don't have Word 2007, we have Word 2003, so we can't open the stupid-ass ".docx" files.  Like the outline ==

So I e-mailed my group asking someone to e-mail me back my portion of the outline in an actual e-mail so I can read it.  I got a response from another girl in the group requesting the same of the group because she's having the same problem.  This was Saturday/Sunday.

And word from our other group members?  NADA.

So other group members: WHAT THE FUCK?

Right now I want to kill:
  • The dumbass programmers of the high-strung non-versatile ".docx" 2007 file.  Fuckers.
  • My professor for ordering our big assignments: Informative Speech, Persuasive Speech, then Group Presentation.  God forbid you'd order them in a sane manner so that we might, oh, be left with an INDIVIDUAL project, which would be so much easier to work on INDIVIDUALLY over a break.  But that'd make oh too much sense, wouldn't it?  
  • The two group members who haven't yet responded to help me and the other girl out.  So if we're unable to get our shit done they'd better not bitch when it reflects badly on them, too, right?  Assholes.  So much for the e-mail over break to keep everyone updated, huh?
Did I mention that I've never been fond of this class?

And for the sake of profane redundancy: FUCK.

the fuck?, home, school

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