1. I really really REALLY need to get my speech planned and do the outline. This one gets the CAPITALS, because I have to give it in class on MONDAY. I tried to see if I could get it pushed back to later in the week, but this teacher's not very flexible.
I can pull it off; I've got my materials and my ideas, I just need to organize them. I've found some pretty neat quotations that I'm going to work in there, though:
D.H. Lawrence, in a letter to Morrish Ernst:
Our civilization cannot afford to let the censor-moron loose. The censor-moron does not really hate anything but the living and growing human consciousness. It is our developing and extending consciousness that he threatens--and our consciousness in its newest, most sensitive activity, its vital growth. To arrest or circumscribe the vital consciousness is to produce morons, and nothing but a moron would do it.
I plan on ripping (and crediting, of course) those first two sentences for my introduction, and that last one for my conclusion, possibly following it with the challenge, "Don't be a moron." (I can't do serious speeches, seriously. I've got to work a comical edge in there otherwise it won't work.)
Walter Kerr, in Criticism and Censorship:
What must be discredited and defeated is not the isolated instance of unjustified censorship, but the principle of censorship itself. Censorship--all censorship, of whatever origin and whatever limited intent--must be seen as an essential violation of fundamental human freedoms, impermissible under any circumstances.
On that note...assfuckbitchshitcuntsexsexsexboobienippleanuspeniscockdickfuckaduckfuckyourself ... sphincter. *nods*
2. At some point--might be later today, might be sometime tomorrow--I need to go down to WalGreens (bout a 15-minute walk north) and look around for some soap (I'm on the third bar or four that I brought with me to school) and shampoo and a blank tape (I've been told that WG sells them individually for a sane price). I might take a look around and see what else they've got provided it's cheap. Sometimes it's got some cool deals going on.
3. A friend, Tatiana (yeah, I know, awesome name, right?) of a friend/classmate, Sara, turns 18 today and I've been asked to come to her shin-dig this evening. Hell yeah--I've only met her once unless you count seeing her a little at Voices for Justice's Scrabble tournamnet on Thursday (by the way, I now know how to play, though I did get my ass kicked by James aka Mr. "Penile")--but she's pretty cool. She was the one whose apartment I was at the Tuesday night when I came home at four in the morning on Wednesday. Uh ... I think that made sense. Anyway, that's tonight around eight.
On that note:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DAD (need to call him later) AND TO TATIANA.
4. Really get my speech ready early Sunday at the latest, because last night (this morning?) I introduced Marie to Ayakashi and we're about to get into the Bake Neko episodes, from which I can launch her into Mononoke XD
Oh, speaking of, I found this article in a site Marie sent me a link for:
The meaning of 'youen' (妖艶) and Mononoke.