Oct 15, 2008 11:33
Although those inquiries were texted to me in reverse order, by different people, and they were in a joking manner. I guess that yesterday April and Alex were wondering if I was okay (I didn't see much of anyone until yesterday evening because of classes and stuff), so Amber sent me a message saying "Are you still human?!?!?!?!", haha. Then I think it was Krystal who a few minutes ago sent a text inquiring if I was still alive since she hasn't seen me around at all all week. I have SO been putting in face-time, I've just been busy!
I finished writing up the security report and I need to take it to their Chief later today (after I'm done working here, after I go to my last class for the day, and after I get some lunch and put in face time et cetera). I've gotten a few "What?"s and the like from the post before last, and I promise that later today I'll post something in elaboration. Don't worry, I am okay in addition to being alive and still a member of the homo sapien species (genus?).
Although, while yesterday's message made me think of Voltaire's "Almost Human" (which is actually about the Devil, but eh), today I now have this line stuck in my head:
Day ten--They seem amazed I'm alive!
-"Girl with Golden Eyes," Sixx: A.M., The Heroin Diaries Soundtrack