Must be for some event. Wonder what it was. Had I known, I might have contemplated joining them. It'd be cool to walk up Troost for once with near-zilch chances of being hollered at *nods* Ah well. I enjoyed lying in for a little while.
Yesterday, I:
Did that stuff down in the archives that I was supposed to do. This Brian guy has apparently been doing this every day he's at the library for the majority of the semester, and I'll tell you, I don't envy him. It's hot down there. And these big-ass journals that I was helping him move, because they have some new stuff and need to shift things around, are heavy. I needed help getting the damn shelving cart off the tile and onto the carpet. Then one time it caught on him and the journals on one side of it went flying. At least my participation in this project was a temporary thing; poor guy.
Went to World Lit. and Philosophy. My professor in the latter forgot about me while going over the Kokinshu. That's okay, though; I'll present first thing on Monday, which is cool because I have some information that'll make for great follow-up of some of what we went over and people had questions on.
Bought Kristin lunch and hung out in the basement between World Lit. and Philosophy. Apparently there is an assembling coalition that'll defend against the impending post-apocalyptic zombies, and once their numbers have dwindled enough the coaltion will find and finish the rest. Oh yeah, and there will be computers.
After Philosophy the oh-so-nice-and-has-a-car Kristen took me to Wal-Mart, where I got my shampoo (hair's been rather dry lately; hope this helps) and *inspirational noise* Sweeney Todd ^_^ Then she did what was probably a no-no and got the new Final Fantasy game.
Then we went to
Nelson-Atkins for a while. Mainly we looked at the Japanese and Chinese art, and delved a bit into the Indian before getting hungry and heading back to the school. There is a lurvely Guanyin Bodhisattva in the reconstructed temple exhibit there--definitely one of my favorites (I fell for her the other day when someone showed me her picture on the website. She's the top picture of the displayed collection under the Chinese section.) And there were not only several pieces from the Heian period, but a few of them were centered around The Tale of Genji, including some really interesting clam shells with illustrations painted in them. (Unfortunately there's no picture of that on the website, but it was so cool...)
So it was a pretty cool day. I watched Sweeney Todd later last night, then fell asleep watching Adult Swim (again; I guess I needed it).
Now, 'tis the weekend. My objectives:
Read more of--maybe finish--A History of the Wife. I have less than two chapters before I'm done.
Re-write the two missing WIOOP? chapters.
Get with Carolyn and maybe watch the DeathNote movies, or Sweeney, or something.
E-mail my follow-up questions to my English teacher that I shadowed during Spring Break, before I forget about it again.
... Whatever the hell else strikes me? =P