Feb 22, 2008 12:59
I've been launching and knocking ideas for my cultural representation for the Catullus poems since I decided that the Cradle of Filth videos on YouTube sorta sucked. I considered the "Tango de Roxanne" from Moulin Rouge! but a group today used the "Elephant Love Medley" and if everyone uses that movie for their love literature representations we'll end up watching the entire movie in World Lit. So I think i might use several shorter clips.
Thus far I want to use a clip from YYH of the famous Karasu-Kurama I love you so you must DIE dialogue ^-^ Now, I wonder if YouTube has any funny clips about the Marquis de Sade...?
I asked the professor about citing television shows, and since I'm mentioning things throughout the entire Saga I just need to find the official episode span for said Saga and put that number in the works cited. He also, when he found out my comparison was to a television series, said that including pictures with the paper could be a good consultant for him, so--yea I get to print off YYH pictures for school! (How come these college assigments are more fun than my high school ones were? Of course, I never ate my lunch while watching a trio do a good simulation of a threesome ... while someone was touring the school with their parents XP)