app for paradisa

Oct 17, 2009 14:58

JOURNAL: strawberryknees
AIM: skinnedbeesknees or ohmaigawdboobs as the former has a tendency to be fritzy and not let me IM people or chat.
WIKI NAME: UHM. I don't have one?

CHARACTER NAME: The Doctor (10)
FANDOM: Doctor Who
CANON: Post- Planet of the Dead
WHAT THEY LOST: Ten will be losing his memories of UNIT and Torchwood. He'll remember that there was an organization dealing with aliens he worked for once upon a time, but details will be fuzzy and he won't be able to remember much of what he did. Same will go for Torchwood-- he'll remember that he and Rose were at Canary Wharf with the Daleks and Cybermen, but he won't remember that the building was Torchwood or anyone there and he won't remember anything significant about the estate in "Tooth & Claw" or Jack's employer.

PERSONALITY: The Doctor's tenth incarnation is a rude, hypocritical liar. That said, he's about the cheeriest, bounciest person you'll ever meet. He's always ready to explore whatever new planet or time period he and the TARDIS and whomever he might be traveling with at the time happen to land in or on. He's a complete and total dork with a lot of knowledge-- some of it useful, most of it geeky and all of it comes out once in fast streams of technobabble and rambling. The downside to that, of course, it that he knows he's got a lot of knowledge and that's given him an ego the size of a small planet. He thinks he's brilliant, even if he has been proved wrong on many occasions. And not only that, he's got both a hero-complex and a god-complex. He's the Doctor, he's the man that fixes people. He wants to make things right in the world and if he can, he'll do it without resorting to violence, although if push comes to shove he will kill. Ten also feels that he can make decisions for people because he is- according to himself- "the highest authority there is." He's been known to drop people off and never come back for them, to send them off with out their consent and whole number of things because he believes he knows what's best for everyone.

That being said, Ten's version of what's right and what's wrong has a tendency to flip-flop depending on what he's recently been through. He normally hates the thought of anything dying but during "The Runaway Bride" he's ready to let the Racnoss burn and drown to death while he stood watching. It's like Donna said, he needs someone to stop him sometimes. Ten also carries a lot of guilt around that tends to influence his decisions. He feels guilty for what the Master, a person who used to be his best friend, turned into. He's guilty for the Time War even if he is conflicted when it comes to his thoughts on Gallifrey and the other Time Lords. He feels a little guilty for Torchwood, his involvement in its founding, because of what happened there. He feels guilty for a number of things his companions went through and because of that, he often makes decisions that would make some scratch their head and wonder. A good example of this is his forgiving the Master and then wanting to keep him alive, even it would be an existence of being imprisoned.

But no matter how hard Ten nostalgia-trips or emos, he tries to cover it up and shove it aside, instead preferring to smile and act like nothing's wrong. Like Donna once pointed out after the Doctor said he was always alright, it's a sort of special code for not really alright at all. He'd much rather hide the fact that he's got enough issues that are even bigger than his ego and he'd rather live in denial. It comes out not only when he's having his downer moments, but he's been known to ADD and be blasé about danger, trying to put people at ease or throw off his opponents with humor as he thinks of a way out of a sticky situation.

All in all, Ten is a rather complex character. He's multifaceted and has a number of layers to him, something that just makes him incredibly interesting and fun to play.

The Doctor shrugged on his now dry suit jacket and did the top two buttons as he walked down the halls of the TARDIS. He walked around the console, flipping switches and pressing buttons as he thought of where he should head for next. He had been planning to take Donna to Gangunse, the planet where everyone is green and their names all started with G. But he couldn't exactly do that now, what with Donna gone and her memories of him. He paused, hand resting on the TARDIS console as he thought about that. She had been amazing... the Doctor-Donna. A small, sad smile crossed his face as he thought of the way Donna was so thrilled with being part Time Lady, with traveling with him and seeing the wonders of the universe. She had been brilliant.

The TARDIS hummed quietly and vibrated under his hand in a comforting way that brought him back to the present. He finally hit the lever that would put the ship in flight towards Cardiff; he'd need to refuel after the trip to Pete's World and it would give him more time to decide on the next destination. Maybe he'd go to Woman Wept and see the frozen waves again. They were beautiful to see and if one could ignore the cold, the deserted planet made for a good place to sit and think. Something told the Doctor he'd be doing a lot of thinking now that he was by himself again.

The TARDIS landed gently on the Rift-- far enough away from Torchwood that Jack wouldn't come running. The Doctor wasn't quite sure he could handle Jack right at that moment, especially if he asked where Donna was. A flip of a switch opened the engines and let the rift energy into the TARDIS. It wouldn't take long, but the Doctor went out of the control room for a bit anyways, confident the sentient ship could handle alerting him if anything big happened. He found himself wandering the halls until he came to the library. Donna had been in here just before they went to that bazaar and she met Rose. He looked over the room and found a small, leather bound book sitting open on a table. He walked over and smiled at the bright, fuzzy pen Donna had always used to write in her journal. He glanced at the open pages, recognizing her handwriting and shut the book before he could actually absorb any of what he was reading. He traced the soft leather of the journal cover and sighed quietly. Maybe he could take a trip to Felspoon and see the mountains. It'd be as decent a place to think as Woman Wept and... He could at least do it for Donna. In her memory.

Mind made up, he walked back to the control room and waited until the TARDIS hummed again before taking off. He's go to Felspoon first, then to the Globe Theatre to see one of Shakespeare's plays and then to Woman Wept. Those were the first three, he'd compile a more complete list as he traveled-- hitting one location for each person that has ever traveled with him. In the memory of experiences shared and companions he's cared for, each a in a slightly different way. It would likely hurt a bit, to remember all of them and to think of them-- all either dead now or out living lives that didn't involve him. But it would be good. It would be closure.

The TARDIS dematerialized off the Cardiff rift, heading for a planet with mountains that swayed in the breeze. And the Doctor twirled around the console, a smile on his face that was only tinged with melancholy. He's been through this before; he'd likely go through it again. And he'd be alright.

Maybe he'd make a trip to Barcelona-- the planet, not the city-- and have a laugh at the dogs with no noses.

The TARDIS is acting up again. She just kicked me out and locked her doors behind me! I've got no idea what could've set her off-- I haven't done anything to her recently. Well. There was that bit with the almost burning with Donna inside her a few weeks ago, but that wouldn't have been it. I can't think of anything else that would warrant getting kicked out.

Oh. Right. I'd almost forgotten about the sandwich that got dribbled on the gravitic anomalizer. Got a bit burnt and made the control room smell a bit. Burnt bananas and marmalade-- not exactly a winning combination.


Would anyone mind and currently homeless Time Lord taking up residence in their living room for a day or two?


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