Oct 25, 2005 18:20
This is when I get angry and write things that I'm feeling, hoping to evoke sympathy from people I hardly know.
This is when I pretend that my world has fallen down and that I miss the stability I once took for granted.
This is when I look like the kind of guy that regrets his behavior and wants to fight to get her back.
But in reality, this is when I admit that things are fine and I am comfortable with all that has happened. I dont hold it against you, but conversely i dont feel sorry for you. I'm not going to waste time rehashing the details because honestly it's not worth it for me or anyone else. I can spend my time hurt, or I can bounce back and feel fine. Honestly, I'd rather bounce back. I've made my fair share of mistakes, so maybe this is a karma thing. Maybe it's an aberration and I should stop the loquacious bullshit. I'll accept that chances are your journal contains a self righteous declaration of independence along with some formal decree of hatred. Chances are that would have destroyed me previously, but now I expect it to be common place. I can only imagine how much is in there that I still dont know about, and how many things that have happened that I'm not privy to nor ever will be. I can accept that what I dont know will bother me for a substantial amount of time, and maybe in that respect you win. What I can do is walk away with integrity, strength and vigilance. I'm not callous. I'm not bitter. I'm not destroyed. Yeah, I'm hurt to an extent and that's to be expected with any amount of dishonesty. Though I know for sure that I have strong friends there to catch me. I apologize for pushing so many of you away, and now that I see that truth I can finally follow through on all of that. I know I said it before, and I dont fault you for not buying it this time around.