Invitation from Winter: Dinner + alchemy_dc

Jun 14, 2006 11:00

Original Message:
From: Winter
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2006 10:32:29 -0400
Subject: Dinner and Club, June 22nd

Good day, ladies...gentlemen...Bill...

A general invite was sent to the Corpgoth email list, which a few of you
folks are on. However, please accept this private mailing as a more
personal "I'd especially like you to join us" message.

I'd like to invite all o' ye to join my lady Cora and I for dinner and
Club Alchemy on Thursday June 22nd.

Dinner at Hunan Dynasty on Pennsylvania Ave SE between 2nd and 3rd
streets at 8:30pm. Travel to the club when we're done eating.

The club will be $25.00 that night because they have a live show, Front
Line Assembly and Stromkern.

Also, Jester will be in town (an old friend and regular who moved away).
Here's hoping *nudge* he'll come to dinner *poke*.

Bring friends. Heck, bring enemies (we can stick them with the tab).

Let me know if you'd like to come...or just show up at the restaurant,
there shouldn't be any seating problems.


ACELDAMA: I'd like to send a personal invite to Anarcha as well, but I
don't have her email.

DONNA: Perhaps Tom could come as well?

PHIL: The general invitation is also extended to the 'Those Who Mourn'
group. I'm not sure how to send it myself.

dinner, alchemy, event

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