Huge topic.

Sep 10, 2011 04:17

I suppsoe it's time that I cover the topic of wrestling now that a wrestling fiction has appeared on my site. I'm a closet wrestling fan. This is probably one of the biggest things I keep secret next to my sexuality. Let me explain what wrestling is to me. Okay. If there is one thing you should know about me is that a story is everything to me. While I don't particularly care for the men rolling around in the ring. Sure some of them are attractive but that isn't what I watch wrestling for. It's the storyline behind it all. While I completely admit that 75%+ of the stories are retarded and outlandish. There are a few ones that do catch my eyes and are built quite well in fact. That is what keeps me tuning in from time to time when I do watch it. I had actually stopped watching from 2007/8 till about this time. I still caught some of it since my dad still watches it every now and again but for the most part i'm clueless about all these new people.

But yeah going back to the topic of storyline. No matter what the story may involve as long as it's well done I don't care where or what it takes place in. And thus i somewhat enjoy wrestling for that very reason. It's a constant source of ever changing stories. Honestly at times I wish they just took out the wrestling part so I can just see the rest of it. I've been to the actual shows and the arenas are always so electrified as if it was a real sporting event. The crowd goes crazy and it's just filled with so much energy. It reminds me of whenever Phildaelphia's home teams play and they are winning. Or it's a close game and they are urging their team to win. But it's more of a constant for the 2-3 hours that the show is going on for.

Wrestling also holds another thing that i enjoy is the music. A lot of songs become popular through wrestling. It's always cool to hear a song come on whenever someone comes out or does anything that requires music. Especially if you like that song. Its just like hitting the song on replay. But you know without you expecting it.

I have a lot of respect for some of the wrestlers. They work all year long with next to no know vacations. They spend most of their time in planes, cars, busses, trains, etc. They rarely get time to see their families and they spend hours practicing like an actor would for their parts. But they don't get redo's. There is a decent risk for injuries as well. And well your whole career rides on your health, your ability to perform each night, and your charisma. If the crowd grows bored of you, either your going to be written out, your character will change, or you'll just be fired. They also have to keep up with themselves physically.

There will be a few more posts in regards to wrestling since it has played some part in my life. Whether i care to admit it or not. It'll more likely pinpoint 4 wrestlers in general.


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