Well reader, right now I'm taking a break from studying so here's a little post to entertain you for a bit hopefully. First off, two memes I've seen going around that I thought were alright. Although I am gonna modify the first one a tad prolly, but I really thought the second one about memories was nice. Anyways, here they are:
1. Post a list of 15 fandoms.
2. Have your friends list guess your favourite character / pairing from each fandom.
3. When guessed, bold the line and write a sentence about why you like that character / pairing.
4. Post in your own LJ.
So for this one, I don't think I'll be able to name 15 b/c I am a poor ignorant cinematically deprived individual when it comes to anime and incredibly mainstream, but I'll try.
1. Neon Genesis Evangelion (If you get the character wrong here I WILL smack you, lol j/k ;) )
2. Yugioh (So I like card games and cheesy happiness, so sue me :P)
3. Berserk
4. Trigun
5. Cowboy Bebop
6. Hmm, that' about it...oh well, thought there'd be more myself but eh, whatever.
If you read this, even if I don't speak to you often, post a memory of me. It can be anything you want, good or bad, just as long as it happened.
Then post this to your journal. See what people remember about you.
Hmm, other than that reader, I'm sorry that there won't be a real entry really today. Got to get back to studying. Bleh, oh well. At least it's not too bad since this sociology stuff is somewhat interesting. Oh, let me recap everyone's countries as we decided yesterday at dinner.
Alex: England (ALL of England including Ireland and Scotland)
Brian: New Zealand (Corrected by Joey)
Emily: Japan
Erin: Swaziland (Although technically Lethosa)
Eugene: Texas
Jackie: Spain
Joey: Jamaica
Matt: Italy
Me: Switzerland
Sarah: Madagascar
If anyone can remember what Brian's was, let me know so I can fix that b/c my mind drew a complete blank for that for some reason. Must be all the studying. :( Anyways, if you weren't there and want me to name the country that best suits your personality, then leave a comment and I'll reply. I do not guarantee that there is not no gurantee of it not working 100% correctly for you no way or no how, so don't not hold me to be infallible here. ;) And now let me tell you about a wonderful bridge I'd like to sell you.... ;) Anyways, I'm going loopy so back to teh studying so Isa can bes smarterz and in-tangiblent. Take it easy reader.
Pax vobiscum,
P.S. Brian was New Zealand...how did I miss that one? Sorry Brian and thanks Joey for reminding me. Also, technically Erin should be Lesotho and not Swaziland b/c Swaziland is not completely surrounded by South Africa as some one in the group led me to believe...*Looks around suspiciously* >_> >_< but eh, I guess Swaziland still works. Here's a link ->
http://www.infoplease.com/atlas/africa.html so learn yourselves! ;)
P.P.S. Haha, everyone is so caught up on this country thing that they haven't remarked on the memes at all. So to our pseudo-United Nations, Switzerland would like to issue its diplomatic statement concerning the memes..."Don't leave me hanging! :P I'm neutral! Oh yeah, um, you want some nukes?" ;)