Hmm, well reader, sorry that I haven't posted much as of late, but I've been still recovering from my sickness and I've just been trying to get back into the swing of things so some things, like updating the journal, fell to the wayside. Anyways, now I'm finally completely over this flu thing I had and I can finally get back to doing normal stuffs. I also was thinking that the past few days I've just been focusing on all the negative things in life, getting sick and such, so it's no wonder why I was feeling sad the past couple days. I'm trying to get back to the old optimism I had and I think I'm doing good. I mean, there are a lot of things out there in life that so many people, myself included, take for granted so they complain about all these things and never realize that they really don't have it that bad at all compared to a lot of people in the world. Hmm, other than that musing, there's not much more to say that's been going on lately in my life really. I've started playing some old types of games that i like such as yugioh and I've started reading Milton's "Paradise Lost" a whole lot more which is good b/c I really haven't had much time to do some fun reading and I'm really getting drawn into this epic stuff which is great b/c it's helping foster my love for English and also for religion. So I guess all I can say Milton's "Paradise Lost" b/c it roxxors! Lol, I'm just messing around but it is, at least in my humble opinion, a really great book. Well, I'm out since I should go head to lunch and other than that, I hope all my friends are doing great, especially on a day like this with such great weather, and don't think I take you guys and gals for granted b/c I don't! I just take you for granite b/c well, to be honest, I could prolly make a killing in the stone cutting business if I traded you in for some pure granite. ;) Anyways, take it easy.
P.S. Oh yes! Don't forget that it's the triduum right now since Easter is almost here so, being as these are the three most holy days in the entire year for the Christian faith, maybe you should think about some religous stuff but you don't have to. Don't want to force anything down anyone's throats. Anyways, here's a great poem by Donne that is very fitting for today if you want to muse ->